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23 Episodes

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New on Endtime+
  • Keys Successful Marriage Part 2

    Episode 1

  • Keys Successful Marriage Part 1

    Episode 2

  • Remember Your Dreams

    Episode 3

  • Have Faith In God

    Episode 4

  • VIP Video Call with Dave Robbins

    Episode 5

    As a VIP, everyone who pre-ordered Understanding the End Time had the opportunity to join together hear from Dave Robbins regarding our brand new series,

  • e-Book: Understanding the End Time

    9.34 MB

    There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.

    Today we are living jus...

  • Study Guide: Understanding the End Time

    3.11 MB

    There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.

    Today we are living jus...

  • The Kingdom of God

    Episode 6

    This is the culmination of the “Understanding the End Time series. From the beginning of the human race, the message from God to man has been the coming Kingdom of God and how to be a part of His Kingdom.

    This lesson, The Kingdom of God, reveals what Jesus said a person must do to enter into He...

  • The Second Coming

    Episode 7

    The Second Coming of Jesus to Earth will be the capstone of all human history. This event is so important to the plan of God that He devoted the entire Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, to dramatize it. There are at least four accounts of the Second Coming in the Book of Revelation,...

  • The Seven Trumpets

    Episode 8

    There are seven angels with Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelation. When each of the seven angels sounds his trumpet, a major prophetic fulfillment is unleashed upon the human race. These events include World War I, World War II, the bombing of Hiroshima, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the ...

  • One-World Religion: Part 2

    Episode 9

    Do Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same God? Do followers of all religions ultimately go to Heaven? Many politicians and religious leaders believe they do. This belief that all religions are equally true and valid is called Interfaithism.

    Throughout history, whenever totalitarian g...

  • One-World Religion: Part 1

    Episode 10

    The Bible prophesies a one-world government and a one-world religion in the end time. The march toward world government and a one-world religion accelerated dramatically with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. What most people don’t know is the fall of the Berlin Wall was not merely a spontaneo...

  • 666 - The Mark of the Beast

    Episode 11

    This Revelation 13 prophecy has lurked ominously for over 2,000 years warning us that a day will come when every person on Earth will be forced to worship Satan through his agent the Antichrist. It states every person will have to worship the Antichrist in order to receive their personal number a...

  • The Antichrist and the False Prophet

    Episode 12

    The Bible prophesies that two individuals will rule over a system of world government just before the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus to the Earth. One will be a political leader and the other will be a religious leader. This prophecy lets us know these two powerful people wil...

  • The Holy Roman Empire Reborn

    Episode 13

    One of the five greatest prophetic fulfillments in the last 2,000 years took place on November 3, 2009. Yet most people completely missed it!

    This prophecy reveals where the Antichrist and his religious partner, the False Prophet, will come from. The Holy Roman Empire was declared dead in 1806....

  • Israel - God's Prophetic Time Clock

    Episode 14

    Over 2,500 years ago, God gave a prophecy whose fulfillment will be completed in the very near future. This prophecy foretells the beginning of a seven-year period that will end at the Battle of Armageddon. The beginning of this Final Seven Years is just ahead of us now.

    In this lesson, Israel ...

  • Israel's God-Given Destiny

    Episode 15

    The entire world is focused on one small area of land with less than one-tenth of one percent of the world’s population, Israel. How did such a small place become so important in today’s world?

    In this lesson, you will learn the history of Israel from its birth to its final 1,878-year exile. You...

  • Islam in Bible Prophecy

    Episode 16

    The terrorist attacks of 9/11 jolted all of us awake. You would have expected that the horrific suicide missions would have mortally wounded the religion of Islam but because of the unprecedented exposure Muslims received since the attacks, conversions increased. Our leaders bent over backwards t...

  • World War III

    Episode 17

    Is the world ready for the Antichrist? What single cataclysmic event could catapult the people of the world into the arms of the man of sin and his one-world government? World War III will bring destruction beyond belief to the human race! According to the Bible, one person out of three on the Ea...

  • End Time World Government

    Episode 18

    Have you ever heard of the World Court? How about the World Bank? World Health Organization? International law? Have you been taught to think globally yet?

    Have you ever heard that we live in a global village? Did you know that the term “New World Order” is printed on the back of your one-dollar...

  • United States in Bible Prophecy

    Episode 19

    Many people have claimed that the United States is not mentioned in the Bible. This lesson not only gives absolute proof that the U.S. is in the Bible but shows how it was foretold 2,000 years ago.

    Incredibly, the prophecies also foretell that the U.S. would come out of Great Britain, which of c...

  • The Antichrist's Socialistic Kingdom

    Episode 20

    You’ve heard it said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Over the last century, socialism/communism ideologies have killed approximately 100 million people. According to Bible prophecy, just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Battle of Armageddon, this ...

  • The Two Witnesses

    Episode 21

    Who are the Two Witnesses?

    There are many different opinions on the two witnesses’ identity. Some believe they will be Elijah and Moses, some Elijah and Enoch. Others say they are a symbol of the Jewish/Gentile church.

    This is what the Bible says.

  • Warn The Jews

    Episode 22

    When referring to Hitler's horrible Holocaust, the Jewish people say, "Never again!" They declare they will never again march off to concentration camps and gas chambers without resisting to their last breath. However, the Bible prophesies that another Jewish Holocaust lies just a few years ahead...